AdSense Disclaimer

AdSense Disclaimer for Gaming Impulse

Last updated: 10 January, 2024

Gaming Impulse is a gaming news blog that participates in the Google AdSense program to display advertisements. Google AdSense is an advertising service provided by Google Inc. that allows website owners to earn revenue by displaying ads based on their content and audience. Here are some key points to note regarding AdSense on Gaming Impulse:

1. Third-Party Cookies: • Advertisements served through Google AdSense may use cookies and similar technologies to collect data for ad personalization and measurement. This is subject to Google’s privacy policy.

2. User Personalization: • Advertisements on Gaming Impulse may be personalized based on your interests, demographics, and online behavior. This is determined by Google’s algorithms.

3. Opting Out: • Users can opt-out of personalized advertising by visiting Google’s Ads Settings. This will not prevent ads but will make them less tailored to your interests.

4. Data Collection: • Google AdSense and its partners may collect non-personally identifiable information for ad targeting and measurement purposes.

5. DoubleClick DART Cookies: • Google, as a third-party vendor, uses cookies known as DART cookies to serve ads based on your visit to Gaming Impulse and other sites on the Internet. Users may opt-out of the use of DART cookies by visiting the Google ad and content network privacy policy.

6. AdSense Program Policies: • Gaming Impulse adheres to Google AdSense Program Policies, and any violation of these policies may result in the suspension or termination of our participation in the AdSense program.

By using Gaming Impulse, you agree to the use of AdSense advertisements as described in this disclaimer. We encourage you to review Google’s policies for a comprehensive understanding of how AdSense manages data and serves advertisements.

For more information about Google AdSense and its privacy practices, please visit Google AdSense Privacy & Terms.

If you have any questions or concerns about our AdSense disclaimer, please contact us at [].

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